ERC721 Token

The ERC721 token standard consists of an interface as defined by EIP-721. Commonly known as the Non-Fungible Token standard, it is the contract implementation that is most used for NFTs.

By separating the functions in the interface into individual Extensions, you can create an ERC721 implementation that can:

  • Dynamically change maximum tokens that can be minted

  • Change minting and burning logic

  • Change name and symbol

  • Change tokenReceived logic on contract transfer

  • Change approval logic

  • Add additional metadata or parameters that might be needed in future integrations

Again, with all use-cases there are careful considerations required during the implementation of any upgrade (due to incompatible or breaking changes), but nonetheless are possible using Extendables.

It is not always a good idea to modify or upgrade well-known patterns or interfaces as it could break the integrate-ability of your contract especially as deviations from popular standards. Please extend responsibly!

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