ERC20 Token

The ERC20 token standard consists of an interface as defined by EIP-20. Commonly known as the Fungible Token standard, it is the most ubiquitous smart contract standard implemented to date as has been deployed unchanged countless times.

By separating the functions in the interface into individual Extensions, you can create an ERC20 implementation that can:

  • Dynamically change its total supply

  • Change minting and burning logic

  • Change its name and symbol

  • Change approval logic

All of which were not possible before. Again, with all use-cases there are careful considerations required during the implementation of any upgrade (due to incompatible or breaking changes), but nonetheless are possible using Extendables.

Importantly, had all previous implementers used Extendable, they would have been able to deploy a much lighter-weight contract that makes use of pre-existing Extensions that encode the ERC20 functions without deploying duplicate code.

Our reference implementation is (coming soon).

Last updated